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Hunting Videos

With the advances in technology, we are now able to take advantage of videos from other people and other countries, and in particular there are thousands of hunting videos online that you can watch. Some of these are taken by amateurs, and put on to show to their friends and relatives. Others are put online to help promote their hunting gear, or the hunting guides they have available to take out parties of would-be hunters.

The topic of the videos vary. Some show humans hunting deer, or ducks, turkeys, or bear, others show lions hunting other animals. They all have something in common, though, they show stealth and patience being needed to catch prey successfully.

There is one thing very interesting about these videos - they do not always give the exact location of the hunt in the video. Like most people, they know when they have something good, and they do not want to give other hunters their exact location, because they could then end up with no animals left to hunt there if everyone decided to try their luck hunting there.

The standard of the videos varies tremendously, from those taken with a cell phone, to those taken with full professional camera gear which show the hunt so clearly you think you are actually there.

These hunting videos are not just for showing how successful the hunter was, there are many that are instructional in the way you set about hunting deer, or the best way to build a blind, or how to set about bear hunting. There are different ways to hunt, and on a cold wet evening, or during the close season, you can spend hours learning more about hunting just by watching these free videos on hunting.

Then there are hunting videos which are games, with very realistic graphics, and again you can find hours gone by, just browsing here and there. But what all these hunting videos do is keep you involved with hunting even when you can't actually hunt. It gives you tips and suggestions, so that you just want to get out there again and successfully hunt a deer or a bear. But remember to stick to the open season, never hunt illegally. Instead, just watch some hunting videos, or play some hunting games, and before you know it, your hunting season will be back again.