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There are many families that have hunting as a family tradition, and hunting trips as a family outing. Hunting really is a versatile sport, with a wide variety of animals that can be hunted in various terrain, and with a mix of equipment too. For example, there is archery hunting, using bow and arrow, where stealth is important in getting close to the prey. Then there is bear hunting, where a rifle is used, because you definitely wouldn't want to be close to one!

Then there is the time of day, or night, depending on the animal being hunted. Humans have a definite disadvantage over the animals when it comes to night time hunting, as we are unable to see in the dark without the aid of night vision glasses, or heat sensing goggles. Animals of course are very comfortable with these conditions, although some sleep during the day, while others at night, as you know. Night vision goggles can be very expensive, and it's probably something that you don't want to invest in straight away.

Cat with its catch after huntingIt is important to know the feeding habits of the animals you are hunting, as this will help you to locate them, whether it be day or night. For example, deer like to feed primarily when there is very little light, and they like to rest late at night, and at mid day, so at that time they are in their bedding areas. When it is late in the afternoon, the deer will move towards water and food sources, but they will be reluctant to wander into open fields and meadows until the sun has gone down. At night when it is dark, they feel more secure about entering these open areas.

Whatever you are hunting, you need to make sure that you have suitable equipment with you, and that you know how to use it safely. Target practice before any hunting trips makes a lot of sense, so that you can increase your accuracy, while decreasing the chance of accidents.

The time of the hunt will determine the equipment used by the hunter. A night hunter will want a hunting lamp of some type with him. Heat detecting sensors or night vision goggles are quite expensive, but a good lamp can be very helpful when hunting at night.

Depending whether you prefer to hunt during the day or night, you will probably think that is the safest. Opinions do differ, and results show that accidents can happen at any time of the night or day. People have been accidentally shot during the day when they have not been wearing appropriate clothing, but the same has happened at night. Night time can be scary for some, without the thought of animals prowling round unseen by you!

You must obey the local and federal laws whenever hunting, which means that you must make yourself fully aware of them before deciding when and where to hunt. And of course, you must take the necessary precautions to make it as safe as possible for everyone.